On Saturday, we didn't do much Halloween related, but my MIL and I went downtown for the farmer's market, but ended up skipping it because of the rain. We went shopping instead, checking out my favorite stores in downtown Chico - Made In Chico, Powell's Sweet Shoppe, Bird in Hand, and The Silver Sandbox! We didn't buy much, but we got some great ideas for Christmas and I did get Bean a cute bib that says "I want my Mummy!" and a ceramic wall hanging that says "Witchy Woman" for myself! I love Halloween!
We then went to lunch at the Sierra Nevada Brewery - another of my local faves. I didn't drink any of their world famous beer this time - just had a fantastic pork tostada that was sooooo good! Bean wasn't liking sitting around so much after her busy morning, so we didn't stay long, but if you're ever passing through or visiting Chico, be sure to set aside a meal to visit the brewery. They offer tours as well during certain hours!
On Halloween, we went to the annual Treat Street celebration downtown. We ate for the first time at the new Burgers & Brew and had a pretty tasty meal in a relaxed, but nice atmosphere! After we ate, we took Bean around to the local merchants that were handing out candy and we all loved seeing all the fun Halloween costumes the little ones were wearing! Once again, Bean had the time of her life waving at people and seeing all the other little kids. It was great fun, if a little exhausting!
We stayed home for the evening hours, and Bean helped me answer the door and hand out treats. She was so excited every time the doorbell rang or a knock was heard on the door! She would run with me to grab the bowl of candy and take a close look at all the Trick or Treaters, then say "bye" and blow kisses to them as they were leaving. It made Halloween all the more fun for me!
We ended the weekend on Monday morning with breakfast with Grandma and Grandpa at Country Waffle. We were sad to see them go, but will be spending some time with them during the Thanksgiving break, which is coming up really fast (how has it already been a week since Halloween weekend began?)! Thanksgiving won't be quite as much fun as Halloween, but maybe it will encourage Bean to eat a little more. Her nutritionist visited again this week and she had gained 4 oz. in the last 3 weeks, which isn't bad, but isn't great (esp. since part of that 4 oz. was a wet diaper). But, as you can tell from my report of Halloween weekend, the rest of us more than make up for her poor eating habits! :)
She is progressing quite well developmentally! This morning at her therapy session she was matching toys with related pictures, which is pretty advanced according to her therapist. She is quite the smarty-pants most of the time, but I worry about her becoming something else that begins with Smart...hopefully she keeps her pleasant disposition!
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