Saturday, February 9, 2008



Contact Me


Resources for Parents

My Amazon Store - contains links to products for educational toys and books, special needs products and health and health care products for children.  Enjoy!

Things I Want - You May Too!

About Second Heart Mom

Hi! My name is Sue Peterson and I am mom to "Bean," who was diagnosed with Dilated Cardiomyopathy and had to get a heart transplant at 4 1/2 months old. My family and I are adjusting to a new "normal" post-transplant. I am also a professor of Communication Studies and Director of Intercollegiate Speech and Debate at CSU Chico. I love living in what is called the "North State" and I can't wait to share all the great experiences this area has to offer with my hubby and Bean!  I keep this blog in the hopes of helping others deal with what we are dealing with - not only Bean's health problems, but finances, time management, being a good mom, wife and person!


-coming soon-

And, Six Years Later - Marking the Good Times

Hello!  Long time no write on this blog.  I have always included a link to this blog on my email signature to keep people reading Bean...